Friday, August 6, 2010

Not excited for school to start...

  School starts back up in a few weeks for my big kids and I am not one of those parents that count down the days until they can send them back to school. I really enjoy spending time with my kids.  We hang out all day and if I am lucky there are some crazy antics for my enjoyment. I am generally lucky.  There are days when I am not so sure that the craziness is funny or enjoyable, on those days I try to step back and look at things with a broader perspective. They may have made a huge mess or be super noisy, but I can promise you that I will miss every bit of it when they are grown. So,  I just readjust my attitude,  find the fun in the mayhem and madness and laugh right along with them.
Today was one of those days.  My 9 year old son is having slight attitude issues and my two littlest ones are, well, little. My son had a comment for everything that I said or told him to day today, which seems to be his newest way to challenge me. I changed more dirty diapers than I can remember and somehow in the middle of one of those changes, messed my back up. I am still not sure how that happened, but it is not very pleasant. I also, cleaned up every type of food that I fed the littlest ones and from nearly every surface that the food could attach itself to...seriously. I battled with my cloth diapers one more day, trying to defeat the evil stinky monster that has decided to attack our diaper stash.

After all of that, I was worn out. Done in. Ready for bed at 5 p.m.  Then, my 11 year old gave me a beautiful picture she had drawn and colored for me and my 13 year old told a funny story and taught the babies a funny song and dance and my sweet husband came home from work with a big hug and sweet words for me...And, well...I had to smile. I had to readjust my attitude and see just how richly blessed I am, even on a day when things seem a bit rougher than usual.  I love this life.


  1. *home-school* It's for those of us that like our children.



    It's hard, I know, hugs to you.

  2. What?! Us homeschoolers don't have endless patience? LOL

    I am so happy to not hear a person who public schools, how happy they are that they are getting rid of their kids. You are a breath of fresh air.

  3. I truly enjoy every moment (ok, most every moment, lol) with my children. I would home school the big kids, but their father (and my ex-husband) will not agree to it. I do plan to home school my littlest ones though! :D

  4. You would be a great homeschooler Heather. :D
